Daniel Doyle Pleasantville – Ismail Sirdah Photography https://www.ismailsirdahphotography.com Sun, 28 Jul 2019 15:12:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5 Daniel Doyle Pleasantville Discusses How to Create Realistic Photography Sets Underwater https://www.ismailsirdahphotography.com/daniel-doyle-pleasantville-discusses-how-to-create-realistic-photography-sets-underwater/ Sun, 28 Jul 2019 15:12:52 +0000 https://www.ismailsirdahphotography.com/?p=380 Continue Reading]]> Whether you’re a budding photographer or a seasoned expert, one of the key characteristics that you need is flexibility. Being flexible means adapting to various working conditions and even reinventing sites on your own such as having an underwater photography set.

Understanding underwater photography

Daniel Doyle Pleasantville, a well-known creative director, emphasizes the importance of high-quality underwater photography. According to him, there are many ways to creatively use home props or simple settings to make alluring underwater photos. In this post, he shares some of his tips for realistic underwater photography.

Daniel Doyle Pleasantville Discusses How to Create Realistic Photography Sets Underwater

Use manual or built-in water jets to recreate bubbles.

Bubbles are a great way to add depth to your underwater photos. They can provide additional texture and highlight for your subject. If you choose to capture an object underwater, you can create bubbles using a manual jet or a built-in jet from a bathtub or jacuzzi. Any apparatus that can be immersed and blows air can be used to create bubbles. Daniel Doyle Pleasantville suggests setting up your props in a shallow pool, aquarium, or a tub to help create bubble textures.

Use live underwater props.

If you’re really going for realistic underwater photography, avoid using plastic props for your set. You should aim to purchase live nature props such as shells, sand, and actual water plants. Some home depots or craft stores have these materials. Although they can be a little more expensive than plastic props, they make all the difference between fake-looking and realistic underwater photography.

Mind your lighting.

Another important thing to remember when doing underwater photography is how light is portrayed. When you notice underwater pictures, you may see the sun’s rays going only in a single direction. To make your photos more realistic, you need to imitate that unidirectional soft light towards an angle that flatters the features of your subject. Ideally, the light source must also come from above to indicate that it is coming from the sun.

Use appropriate equipment.

Underwater photography entails that you use different tools compared to what you would use for taking land photographs. It is ideal to make use of proper waterproof gear to capture the best underwater photos. The GoPro Hero is a good, heavy-duty camera to help you with this task. It can be synchronized to other devices to help you operate the camera remotely.

Edit your photos based on ideal underwater hues.

The post-capturing process is also important in the production of realistic underwater photos. When editing these kinds of pictures, make sure to incorporate hues that are cool rather than warm. For example, you can choose to have a filter in your photo-editing tool that is close to shades of blue or purple. This helps provide an aquatic mood for your photos, which helps contrast it from other nature sets.

Creating fantastic underwater photos may seem complicated. However, following these simple tips may work wonders for your underwater photography projects. All it takes is a little creativity and common sense to make wonderful underwater photos.
